cost calculator

for LNG bunkering logistics chains

What is it simlog?

simlog is a logistics chain simulation tool for bunkering and small-scale supply of LNG, created with the intention of objectifying institutional support to projects to deploy the LNG market. bunkering companies that want to join the LNGHIVE2 strategy and more specifically in order to support applications for European aid from the CEF program, as well as provide the different market agents with a common reference.

Simlog allows market agents to evaluate different supply alternatives in different market situations and to contrast the viability of their projects, providing a summary of the necessary investments, the unit supply costs and the impact on the gas and port infrastructure.

simplelog : simple access to simlog

The application simlog in its open version allows users to know the distribution of supply costs and investment figures that suppose the supply of the estimated LNG bunkering demand in a geographical area, being able to configure:

  • Supply modes
  • Characteristics and costs of the means of supply
  • Estimated demand
  • Geographic groupings of ports (clusters)

In order to facilitate the use of the application there is a simplified version of simlog that allows you to perform calculations and view the results of multiple analyzes in two simple steps what we call simplelog.

Guided by a simple user wizardlog, the user will enter the analysis ports and the expected LNG demand (1) and simlog will perform the necessary calculations and present the user with a graphical report indicating the characteristics of the designed supply chain, as well as its main cost magnitudes (2). Additionally, the user will be able to analyze in detail or reconfigure each of the analyzes by directly accessing the advanced version of Simlog (3).

simplelog : Impressions

Sim accesslog

In order to offer all users a single access point with the same configuration and version of simlog as well as a personalized and independent work environment, simlog It is hosted on a private server in the cloud for which it is required to have a username and password.

To request access to simlog or more detailed information on how it works, please send us the following form: