The company is positioned as the operator in Europe with the most aggregate cargo capacity, contributing to the practical elimination of sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions.

The objective of the CHEK project (deCarbonising sHipping by Enabling Key technology symbiosis on real vessel concept designs), is to reduce emissions from maritime transport through the integrated use of forms of energy and low-carbon technologies. These include the use of hydrogen fuel, wind power, electric batteries, heat recovery, air lubrication, and new antifouling technology. Development work on how to design and operate ships is also included.

Germany's Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure extended the term of grants to equip and convert seagoing vessels to use LNG as marine fuel until December 31, 2021. Germany came to this decision after considering that many projects did not They were able to be executed last year due to financial problems caused by the COVID19 pandemic.

The EU will allocate around 27 million euros to the start-up of two projects in Spain through the Connect Europe CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) mechanism, which promotes more sustainable and efficient transport. Specifically, the European Commission will support, among others, the development of two new projects for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to ships –bunkering- in the ports of Barcelona and Algeciras, coordinated by Enagás

The European Commission published on 11 June "The EU Blue Economy Report 2020", providing an overview of the performance of the EU economic sectors related to oceans and the coastal ...