Furetank offsets its remaining emissions, reaching zero on new vessels in 2021
Through optimized ship design and LBG / LNG propulsion, Furetank's new Vinga series has achieved a 55% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to the previous generation of ships. The goal is to get to zero by running the vessels entirely on renewable liquid biogas, but currently the supply is not sufficient. Now the company offsets the rest of its impact by purchasing certified carbon credits, until it reaches zero in 2021.

December 21, 2021

The company has offset all the remaining emissions from the four Vinga vessels owned by Furetank for the entire year 2021. The method used is carbon offset, which means the purchase of an amount of certified carbon credits equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused. for its operations. Each credit corresponds to one ton of CO2.

I feel great about cutting emissions from new ships in half, we've done everything we can to limit our climate footprint. But we don't want to settle for that. To show that we are serious about our ambitions and to advance even further, we turned to climate compensation.

Lars Höglund, CEO of Furetank

The credits are certified through the Gold Standard, the world's most recognized climate compensation registry, approved by WWF and other reputable organizations. They validate and transfer funding to renewable energy projects around the world, accelerating the global transition away from the fossil-based economy.


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