The international maritime sector met with an emblematic event: Shaping the Future of Shipping, in Glasgow on Saturday, November 6, coinciding with COP26. The conference addressed key strategic issues on the rapidly evolving path to the decarbonization of shipping, showcasing their efforts to decarbonize and deliver a sustainable and equitable future for the industry.

The Energy Tax Directive, or Energy Tax Directive, has been harmonizing taxes on fuels and electricity in the European internal market since 2003. With the revision proposed in Fit for 55, the Directive will also regulate taxes on marine fuels.

The NextGEN initiative aims to facilitate the exchange of information on decarbonisation initiatives among many stakeholders (including IMO Member States, NGOs, industry and academia); identify opportunities and gaps for decarbonization in the global maritime community; and create important networks and platforms for collaboration between these initiatives. This network initiative has been dubbed "NextGEN", where GEN is short for "Green and Efficient Navigation".

Liquefied synthetic natural gas (GNS) from the maritime world. The 10.53 gross ton ElbBlue was supplied with this neutral fuel in the German port of Brunsbuttel, near Hamburg, for a trip to Saint Petersburg, Russia, and a second refueling is planned when it returns to Germany before continue towards Rotterdam.

This initiative aims to ensure the availability and ease of use of a dense and widespread network of infrastructure for alternative fuels throughout the EU. All alternative fuel vehicle users (including ships and aircraft) should be able to move around the EU with ease, thanks to key infrastructures such as motorways, ports and airports.

During a webinar to celebrate the christening of the Titan LNG Flexfueler002 in the port of Antwerp, Audenaerdt said that many of the same questions related to LNG sourcing have been raised when conducting hydrogen hazard analyzes.

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