Para los expertos en clima, el hidrógeno verde o renovable - hecho de la electrólisis del agua alimentada por el sol o el viento - es indispensable para la neutralidad del clima. Aparece en los ocho escenarios de emisiones netas cero de la Comisión Europea para 2050 (ref. 1). En teoría, puede hacer tres cosas: almacenar el excedente de energía renovable cuando la red no puede absorberlo, ayudar a descarbonizar sectores difíciles de electrificar como el transporte a larga distancia y la industria pesada, y sustituir los combustibles fósiles como materia prima sin carbono en la producción de productos químicos y combustibles.

Informe publicado por la sociedad de clasificación coreana se presenta su pronóstico sobre el futuro de los combustibles marinos con especial foco en el potencial de amoníaco como combustible cero emisiones de CO2

CC-Ocean" Project in Partnership with "K" Line and ClassNK Part of Japan government initiative to support development of marine Resource Technologies. World's first marine-based demonstration test of CO2 capture to take place on "K" Line's coal carrier for Tohoku Electric. The project will identify potential risks, and conduct operability and safety evaluations to determine ongoing specifications

The Viking Energy vessel. (Photo: Eidesvik Offshore)

Equinor has signed an agreement with Eidesvik Offshore for the modification of the Viking Energy supply vessel, to make it capable of covering long distances fuelled by carbon-free ammonia. The vessel will transport supplies to installations on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS)

As the adoption of LNG as a ship fuel continues to speed up, DNV GL has launched a new online bunkering platform to take operators seamlessly from order through to delivery. FuelBoss offers ship owners, operators and suppliers a single common platform for nomination, scheduling, spot inquiries and business intelligence. LNG suppliers Gasum, Cryo Shipping and Nauticor are amongst the confirmed pilot customers and have supported the development with their expertise and domain knowledge.

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