Directiva 2014/94/UE del Parlamento europeo y del Consejo de 22 de octubre de 2014 relativa a la implantación de una infraestructura para los combustibles alternativos Ver el texto completo. La …

As the adoption of LNG as a ship fuel continues to speed up, DNV GL has launched a new online bunkering platform to take operators seamlessly from order through to delivery. FuelBoss offers ship owners, operators and suppliers a single common platform for nomination, scheduling, spot inquiries and business intelligence. LNG suppliers Gasum, Cryo Shipping and Nauticor are amongst the confirmed pilot customers and have supported the development with their expertise and domain knowledge.

The barriers to entry for LNG to gain ground in the marine fuels market are falling, as industry players told attendees at Riviera’s webinar on LNG as a marine fuel

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