With a 18,600 cubic meter tank, CMA CGM Jacques Saade is being supplied with LNG while loading unloading operations are carried out (SIMOPS). The supply operation is being carried out by Gas Agility, the largest LNG supply ship in the world. Gas Agility is operated by the French company Total, which has an agreement with CMA CGM to supply 300,000 tons of LNG fuel per year over a period of ten years.

Regarding maritime transport services, a third of the ports have facilitated the supply of LNG. In parallel, more than half of the ports that responded offer shore power supply (OPS) and a growing number of ports (57%) offer differentiated quotas for vessels that go beyond the regulatory standards, with air emissions

The Avenir Advantage will begin a three-year charter contract to Petronas LNG Sdn Bhd of Malaysia, supplying LNG to fuel ships operating in the region and delivering bulk cargoes directly to small-scale customers.

The FueLNG Bellina, a 7,500 m3 capacity LNG supply vessel for Singapore, the first in the country. The FueLNG Bellina is owned by FueLNG, a joint venture between Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd and Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd. It is expected to be operational by the end of the year

The Municipality of Rotterdam and the Port of Rotterdam Authority are working together on the joint rollout of shore-based power for sea-going vessels in Rotterdam. By 2030, they want a significant share of sea-going vessels to 'plug in' once they have moored along one of the port's quays. This will allow them to power down their diesel generators while berthed - good news for local air quality and the vessels' carbon footprint. Over the next five years, the partners will be initiating a series of projects that are intended to accelerate and scale up the adoption of shore-based power. Depending on the experiences gained in these projects, the Municipality and the Port Authority may adapt their targets in this area in 2025.

The decarbonization of ships is actually the decarbonization of the bunkering. As the world's number one fueling port, Singapore has a vital role to play in the process. Successive Singapore governments, NGOs, and other agencies have supported a number of initiatives to move the nation and industry on the zero carbon path.

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