Interactive map of ports with electrical connection to ships (OPS).

February 8, 2021

The Power2ship working group of the World Ports Climate Action Program (WPCAP), led by the Barcelona's port, has created an interactive tool, through Google Earth, to learn about dock electrification projects that exist around the world or that are under development. This application provides updated data to help make land power solutions or onshore power supply (OPS) solutions a reality to other ports interested in implementing them and systematizes the necessary information on these sustainable facilities for international shipowners.

WPCAP Interactive map of ports with electrical connection to ships. (OSP).

The presentation of this tool was carried out by the Head of Strategy of the Port of Barcelona, Jordi Torrent, during the meeting of leaders of the great world ports members of the WPCAP held recently, and which had the participation of the president of the port Catalan, Mercè Conesa.

The dynamic map compiles the information obtained from 68 ports around the world through various sources: a detailed survey in 16 world leading ports, the World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP) of the IAPH, the European Observatory of Alternative Fuels (EAFO) , the DNV GL Portal Alternative Fueles Insight and an annex to a presentation by the environmental NGO Friends of the Earth to the 73rd Marine Environment Protection Committee of the IMO (MEPC 73).

The Port of Barcelona is one of these 68 world ports with electrical connections, specifically in Marina 92, where there are two connection points for large yachts. The Port of Barcelona, in accordance with its recently approved IV Strategic Plan, plans to develop similar facilities in the container and ferry terminals in the coming years, so that in 2022 ships could connect to two of these terminals.

The tool developed within the framework of the WPCAP has the commitment of all participating ports to update the existing information when necessary and to continue cooperating in the development of other Onshore Power Supply projects.

Precisely, the WPCAP Power2ship working group, led by the Port of Barcelona, is one of the most relevant initiatives of the World Port Climate Action Program (WPCAP) to promote the electrification of docks in ports around the world.

The World Ports Climate Action Program (WPCAP) is an international initiative of eleven leading ports that are working on plans to reduce CO2 emissions from shipping and ports and improve air quality. The participating ports are: Antwerp, Barcelona, Gothenburg, Hamburg, Le Havre, Long Beach, Los Angeles, New York and New Jersey, Rotterdam, Vancouver and Yokohama. The maritime transport sector is an international sector; To have a big impact, global cooperation is necessary. The WPCAP was announced on September 13, 2018 at the Global Climate Action Summit.


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