Proposal for a Directive on Renewable Energies. The current EU target of at least 32% of renewable energy by 2030, established in the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII), is not enough and should be increased to 38-40%, according to the Climate Objectives Plan (CTP). At the same time, new accompanying measures are required in different sectors in line with the integration of the energy system, hydrogen, offshore renewable energy and biodiversity strategies to achieve this increased goal.

The development of the European Green Deal will require - among others - an update of the Renewable Energy Directive. The proposal included in the Fit for 55 package still needs to be approved by Parliament and the Council.

European renewable energy targets have been growing since their appearance in 1997. The first Directive of 2009 established a target of 20% for 2020 and commitments to member states. Later, in 2018 this objective was raised to 32% by 2030, the current proposal (RED III) would raise the objective to 50% in 2030, necessary to meet the objectives of the Green Deal.

This review is also necessary for aviation, shipping, and long-distance transportation, which cannot be easily electrified today and for which renewable, low-carbon fuels, including renewable hydrogen, will be needed to replace to fossil fuels.

The new fuels must be complemented by improvements in energy efficiency, modal shift and electrification efforts. These innovative fuels will not be sufficiently promoted by other means, such as the emissions trading scheme.

RED III (proposed)

D III (annexes)